How To Start Online Business From Home 2022

If you are thinking about how to start online business from home in 2022 then you are in the right place.

If you would like to start an online business from home with very low start up costs, that you can start part time from the comfort of your home, then make sure read every word on this page.

Because you are about to discover the top four business ideas that you should consider starting in 2022 and beyond for that matter.

They are the simplest and easiest online businesses to start for beginners, regardless of your age or current knowledge.

So be ready to take some notes and leave a comment below about which one is your favourite business idea.

Also, two of the four business ideas we will cover in this article, I have actually been doing myself for the last 15 years.

So this article is based on first hand knowledge and real life experience. No fluff or filler added.


We Will Also Cover Some Business Strategy.

And if you read this post until the end you’ll have everything you need to know to get started today with your own successful online business, that you can start from home part time or full time.

How much time you devote to your online business idea should be based on your market research.

Before we get started, if you are new to the Blog, Hi, my name is Craig Beckta and in this article you will discover How To Start Online Business From Home 2022.

I’ve been running my own successful online business from home for the last 15 years and in this post I’ll reveal to you the top four best business models.

We are talking your own online business ideas that you can run from home with just a laptop or a mobile phone from anywhere in the world. How cool is that? Your own small online business.

And I am not suggesting influencer marketing although that is a good online business idea for some people.

The four business ideas you are about to discover, you can all start from home with just one or two hours per day, with very low start up costs.

And you don’t have to be a pro Photographer or model. And you can start them based on your own schedule.


Business Plan With Low Startup Costs.

Especially compared to what it would cost you to start a traditional brick and mortar business like investing in a franchise like McDonald’s.

First let’s talk about what types of online business you should avoid because they have lower profit margins and more potential hassles that you probably don’t want to have to deal with.

Here are the two types, I suggest you avoid.

I suggest you avoid.

1: Dropshipping business or…

2: Selling actual physical items on sites like eBay.

Try to avoid physical product based online businesses that require a large inventory it is not a great business model.

The best online business ideas you will discover in this article do not require any physical products, no inventory to worry about, no shipping, no employees and definitely no boss telling you what to do.


When it comes to starting an online business from home your focus should on the following things.

1 Easy to start with little investment.

2 High profit potential and profit margins with lots of potential customers.

3. Easy to maintain, scale and grow the business

4 An automated component that allows you to earn while you sleep or while you are on the beach or vacation, for example digital downloads instead of physical products.

It may require a shift in your thinking from a popular business, like the franchise business that you see everywhere.

Yes, a franchise is a proven business structure but it has high start up costs and you can’t do it from home.

Be open to new ideas and think about which successful business suits your personality as well.


When it comes to How To Start Online Business From Home 2022

Basically you want a passive income component to the business that allows you some time freedom to do the things that you want to do each day.

We’ll start with the easiest business first, that require the least amount of time and investment on your part.

You may have heard of this business idea before but I’ll ask you to suspend your disbelief for a moment and allow me to explain why I think it the best online business for a majority of people to start with.

Before we get to it, let me first ask you a question…

Do you know the secret to earning money?

People earn money by selling a valuable product or service or by trading their time for money at a job.

I don’t suggest you trade your time for money at a job because you are already probably doing that…


And I am also assuming that you don’t already have a valuable product or service of your own to sell just yet.

So if you don’t have a product or service of your own to sell, how do you get started?

For beginners, I suggest you start with recommending other people’s products or services online in exchange for a commission.

I’m sure you have heard of this type of business idea and you see people doing it on Youtube all of the time.

Now this is not a pyramid scheme or anything like Amway if anyone remembers that…

This is a legitimate home based business that tons of people all over the world are involved in and even large sites like Amazon and many other large online retailers participate in it as well.

It’s called affiliate marketing and it is a multi billion dollar online industry and a great business plan.


The United States alone has a $6.8 billion dollar affiliate marketing industry and it is growing every year.

How it works is, you sign up to promote an other businesses products or services in exchange for a commission, if you make a referral sale through your unique affiliate link..

Why I am suggesting you start with this type of online business is because it requires very little start up costs and…You can learn more about affiliate marketing in this article.

You can also build your email list at the same time. If you are interested in email marketing you can Learn more here.

You do not have to worry about having to deal with actual physical products and it is a big advantage of being an affiliate marketer.

It is one of the best ways to create passive income from home and it is gaining in popularity year after year.

But don’t worry you are not too late to get started all you need is an internet connection and a little inspiration and you have your own business.

All you have to do is literally sit on your couch with a laptop or a lounge chair on the beach provided you have a wifi connection and invest as little as 1 to 2 hours per day to start.


I started affiliate marketing back in 2007 over 15 years ago, part time while I was still working full time in the airforce.

And I eventually started making more cash online part time than I was from my full time day job.

In 2010, I retired from the Airforce and I have been working online from home since.

Check out the video below which reveals…

How To Start An Online Business From Home 2022

Starting An Online Business Tips

I have other videos that go deeper into how to grow and scale your online business and you can checkout that online business playlist here.

So make sure you keep watching this video before you check out those other videos.

Now business idea two requires a little more upfront investment of time and it is creating your own digital information products.

Some example of digital information that you can sell online are e-books, video training courses and even audio recordings or monthly membership sites that pay you recurring revenue month after month.

You really should be selling digital products. Now it is easier to create an online course using platforms like Teachable or Thinkific. And you can also charge monthly for your trainings as well.

It is called a subscription model, examples of a subscription service would be Apple Music or Spotify…But you can also charge monthly for online training courses or software as well.

There are tons of information based monthly membership sites in all different niche markets where people pay to access your monthly training or to have access to you if they have a question.


Great Way To Generate Revenue.

I have sold e-books, online video training courses and I have also run several monthly membership sites over the years. And they are all great online revenue streams.

Creating digital information products was the 2nd income stream and online business model that I started back in 2008.

It can be a very lucrative business, especially if you recruit and army of affiliates to help you promote your products for you.

That is also why I suggest you start with affiliate marketing first because by learning how to promote other people products first you will have a better understanding of how to market your own products.

And you will know how to train your affiliates so that they can help you grow your digital information business.

Now you may be thinking you don’t know what to sell, but all you have to do is learn as much as you can about a particular high income skill by reading books, or taking an online course.

And there are even free courses that Google and Facebook offer that can help you to become a subject matter expert in a short amount of time.

Here is a great place to host your online course, you can learn more here.

Now if creating digital information products is not your thing you can also use the same concept by becoming a subject matter expert and starting an online agency that manages some aspect of someone else’s online business.


For example you could start a Facebook Ad Agency or a Google or Youtube Ad Agency…

Although that would require you to learn as much as you can about each of the ad platforms and you should have some actual experience producing positive results so that you deliver a good return on investments to your clients.

If the idea of running a ad agency doesn’t appeal to you, another way you can help online businesses is by providing video editing services for YouTubers more about how in a second, or by audio editing services for Podcasters.

You don’t even have to do the actual video or audio editing yourself. Think of yourself as a sub-contractor.

You can find video editors or audio editors on sites like Up Work or Fivver and then you would outsource the work to them making sure you charge enough up front to your client to make 30% or 50% profit and you just act as a middle man between the client and the editor.

You could also do this as a Social Media Manger managing social media sites for any number of businesses and by outsourcing the work to other people that would allow you to grow and scale and put your focus on attracting more clients.

There are any number of online tasks that you could outsource that people find too, time consuming or that don’t have the know how or interest to do themselves.


Now the fourth online business idea that can be quite a lucrative business and better than a lot of other online business ideas.

Because it usually involves a monthly recurring cost to your customer is software as a service. 

Now that great part about software is it usually involves a subscription model which means you make monthly recurring revenue and you don’t have to know anything about programming.

Let me give you an example, you can hire a coder on Up Work or Fivver to create software and then all you have to do is focus on the marketing. Learn More Here.

Clickfunnels is a good example of a successful software as a service business.

The Co-founder Russel Brunson doesn’t know how to code he just joined forces with someone who already had the skill and just look at how successful Clickfunnels is today.

As I mentioned earlier the easiest online business to start from home for beginners is affiliate marketing and I’ll post a link to those video so you can watch them after this video…

Because I know how hard it is to learn How To Start Online Business From Home 2022.

And before you go, I wanted to give you some helpful tips that might make the difference for you whether or not you become successful…

In order for it to work you are going to have to carve out some time to get started and in order for that to happen you are going to have to create a new routine for yourself and change some of your existing habits.

That might mean getting up an hour earlier each day, or skipping Netflix for an hour each night but it is a sacrifice that many small business owners have to make.

I know it may seem hard but there is probably at least an hour a day that you can put aside for your new business.

In 2007 I started getting up an hour earlier so that I could focus on learning affiliate marketing so pick a time that works for you…

I know you are probably thinking you don’t have time to start your online business but all you need is an internet connection an idea and some motivation to get going.

There is nothing like being your own boss selling digital downloads for example.

In this section I’m going to recommend a few books you can get on amazon, either the actual physical books or the kindle version.

Because a big part of starting a new online business involves having the right mindset to succeed.


Read Business Books? Not Really.

Atomic Habits is a great book about changing your habits and literally if you can change a few of your small habits that are not serving you, you can begin the process of changing your life…

Which reminds me of a great quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer it goes: Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life. Think about that for a moment, changing your thoughts could make a huge difference.

Two new habits I have incorporate after reading the book is 20 minutes on the elliptical first thing in the morning and 20 minutes of meditation before I even look at my phone.

Those two new habits have had a huge impact on my day, which is quite surprising. So you don’t have to make huge changes all at once.

Start with one new habit and you can begin habit stacking from there.

In order to see a change in your life it has to happen in your mind first… And the good news is that has already started to happen because you are reading this article.

I’m also going to suggest a few other books that you might find helpful along your online business journey…

Think and Grow Rich is another good book about changing your mindset and I think you can even find it for free online and Traction is a really good book as well.


You Are Just One Great Idea Away.

I suggest you start reading one new business book or mindset book a week to start, or at least one a month to open your mind to new ideas and new ways of thinking.

Now you are probably reading this post and you are still wondering where to start and it really comes down to making a choice of which business model to start first and actually focusing on starting it and staying consistent day after day.

Any business you start will be difficult at first because everything about it will be new to you. But honestly it has never been easier to start a business or earn money online that ever before…

The best advice I could give you is start with affiliate marketing because it is the easiest to start with and stop making excuses why it won’t work for you.

There are plenty of examples of people with successful affiliate marketing business or digital information business and software business.

And if they can do it so can you, no one is born with these skills, it starts with the desire to change your current situation and then it’s up to you to make it happen.


Looking for Predictable Income?

Here is what you really need to avoid or it could end up messing up your chance of success.

I don’t want to get to preachy in this article but tons of people jump from one easy idea to the next easy idea and never actual start anything and then complain it doesn’t work.

You really need to focus on one idea and devote a serious amount of time to it, too succeed.

Here’s what you need to do…

Pick one of these 4 business models

1: Affiliate Marketing.

2: Creating your own Digital Products Learn About Hosting Your Course Here

3: Manage an Agency

4: Create Software as a service. Learn about White Label Software Here

Pick one that appeals to you most and get started…Now you may be also wondering which online market you should get into…

There are 3 huge online markets you should focus on where a majority of the products and services are sold.

Sticking to the big three markets will give you better odds at being successful.


What Are The 3 Biggest Niche Markets?

When I say big they are big and all are a great business niche. I know what you are thinking.

Yes, they are crowded and their is lots of competition and that is because that is where the money is…

All you need is a little slice of the pie for yourself. Just think 1% of a 6.8 billion dollar market is still pretty good.

The 3 big markets you should be thinking about are the Wealth Market, The Health Market and the Relationship market.

Those markets are full of hungry buyers who purchase both physical and digital products. And those markets are also big on social media as well.

Choose one of the 3 that you are the most interested in and just get started. Of course do your proper keyword and market research before going all in.

As I mentioned earlier I a few videos on affiliate marketing so if you want to check those out you can watch them here: Start Your Online Business Playlist On Youtube

In the next few weeks I’ll be releasing a video about creating your own digital information products and how to sell them so if that interests you make sure you subscribe to my Youtube Marketing channel and hit that bell so you don’t miss those videos.

If you still are not sure how to start, here are a few more ideas for you to check out.

How to Start an Online Business in 2022?

  1. #1: Do Your Market Research First.
  2. #2: Choose One Of The 4 Business Models.
  3. #3: Identify Your Target Market And Niche.
  4. #4: Decide What Problem You Would Like To Solve.
  5. #5: Analyze The Competitions Keywords And Websites.
  6. #6: Create Content That You Can Rank For.
  7. #7: Use Multiple Platforms For Broader Reach.
  8. #8: Monetize Using Strategies For Your Niche.

Before you go here are some common questions abut starting an online business.

What is the best online business to start in 2022?

Easy to Start Online Business Ideas For Beginners.

  1. Start a Blog and Monetize it using affiliate marketing or display ads …
  2. Get Started With Affiliate Marketing and focus on recurring income …
  3. Set Up an E-Commerce Site using Shopify …
  4. Self-Publish a Book on Amazon Kindle about something you are passionate about …
  5. Create a Digital Product or Course in an area where there is demand…
  6. Become a YouTuber and join the Youtube partner program…
  7. Start App Development by outsourcing the app creation using Upwork…
  8. Learn Facebook Advertising or Youtube Advertising and start an Ad Agency…

Here is another question I get a lot when it comes to start an online business from home.

What Are The 5 Most Profitable Online Businesses?

  1. Online Training: Selling Your Own Digital Courses
  2. Affiliate Marketing: With your own Blog and Youtube Channel.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: With Paid Advertising like Facebook or Google.
  4. Start A Podcast and Monetize It.
  5. Creating Software As A Service.

Now I know it is a lot to think about, take some time and read the article again if you are not sure which internet business idea is right for you.

Start with something that requires low startup costs that you can do from your laptop. Focus and apply yourself a little each day and track your progress.

Whether you start a blog and monetize it with affiliate marketing and take advantage of search engine optimization.

Or if you decide to start a Youtube Channel, what ever you choose give it some time and then evaluate your progress. The adjust your content creation strategy.

If you are not tech savvy then some aspects of digital marketing may seem difficult at first. But there are tons of free tutorials and online courses that can help you along the way.

Education yourself online is a fantastic way to get the ball rolling and once you have some momentum things become easier.

Most people don’t start a business or a side hustle so you are ahead of the game if you can just get going right now.

Start building and you will increase your earning potential with a little hard work and marketing strategy. So go ahead start an online business and I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks for sticking around and reading this whole post, make sure you check out my other articles before you go…

And if you would like some more tips about affiliate marketing you can get a free copy of my super affiliate checklist you can get access to it right here.

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to start an online business from home 2022.

Leave a comment below and let me know which one you are thinking of starting with.

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